Call For Papers

The Conference for Digital Professionals
webinale | May 27 – 31, 2024 in Berlin or Online

Dear webinale speakers, friends and everyone interested!

The webinale is a conference for product owners, web designers, and front-end developers. It combines user experience with coding and offers a wealth of interdisciplinary topics that inspire and advance digital professionals.

webinale stands for pragmatic information and honest insights into the processes behind successful digital products. As a speaker at the webinale, you share your experiences with the participants and provide them with valuable inspiration, particularly through engaging case studies.

The webinale will be held in Berlin from May 27th to May 31th, 2024. We look forward to your suggestions for sessions, workshops, and keynotes!

As last year, you can participate in the conference both on-site and remotely.

You can submit your proposals until November 20th, 2023.

We welcome proposals and ideas on the following topics:

  • Web Design & Development: web design trends, modern tooling & workflow automation, User Experience (UX), pagespeed
  • Digital Marketing: New insights, newsletters, conversion optimisation, analytics, social media & influencer marketing, current trends
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEO): Basics, standards and latest updates, Pragmatic Search Engine Optimisation, Case Studies
  • Agile Product Development: Agile Methods & Tools, Agile Product Development, Minimal Viable Products (MVP), Agility throughout the company, Lean Business
  • Cyber Security: Technical Web Security, Security UX, Compliance Management & DSGVO, Privacy by Design, Crisis Communication
  • Emerging Technologies: Latest Digital Trends & Technologies




We are looking forward to your feedbacks and wish you all the best!


Submit your talk!

Many greetings,
Your webinale Team